

Welcome to My Traveling Habit. From day trips to bucket list expeditions we will attempt to immortalize our adventures in this here blog and our other social media accounts.

Name Unknown, Trenton NJ

Most Churches that I come across have a clear sign to reveal the name. This is one of the ones that is going to take a bit more digging. If you have any information about it, pictures, or stories you’d like to share please reach out.

This overgrown and abandoned stone church sits in a section of Trenton, NJ that has clearly seen better days. The area is filled with beautiful architecture that has fallen into the same pit of despair, left in the wake of countless industries that have fled our urban centers.

While making a quick search for a name I did come across a YouTube video of some urban explorers at the site. According to NoNonsenseKnowHow this was a Presbyterian church built in 1875. It changed hands in 1994 to the Imani Community Church. Operations ceased and the church closed in 2006. Their video was posted in November of 2020. It is amazing how intact the place remained over 14 years.

Sadly this and many other historic buildings will most likely decay out of existence, or fall to the wrecking ball in the name of progress.

I have passed by this place many times before jumping on the Church Lovin train. I have always admired such amazing craftsmanship. This particular morning we were heading home from the Trenton Farmer’s Market on a foggy New Years Eve. I had to pull over and capture it. Gotta catch em all, you know.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Rutland Vermont

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Rutland Vermont